A night at the shelter and the intensive services we provide can cost as little as a meal out at a restaurant. Make a gift with lasting impact – a donation that helps us provide a new way of life for a homeless family.
here’s what you can fund:
$30 = Sponsor one night for a mother and child
$75 = Cover the cost of a night for larger family
$300 = Fund the entire shelter for one night
$6000 = Fund an entire 60-90 day stay for a family

it doesn’t take a lot to make a difference
Your one-time or recurring donation provides more than just a place to stay, it gives families the chance to be self-sufficient.
Donate securely now through PayPal, with no fees deducted, or via credit card requiring a small transaction fee:
Cash donations enable us to respond to everyone. In addition to funding our programs, we use gifts from the community to offer motel vouchers for unhoused locals on bitter cold nights, plus bus passes, meal cards, food items, and baby supplies to people who walk in seeking help. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit with a platinum GuideStar rating.
You can also support us through legacy giving and by checking out our wish list. If you have questions about donating, email Dustin Johnson: Dustin@AnacortesFamily.org.