board of directors
The Anacortes Family Center is guided by an involved, dedicated Board of Directors, all of whom support the organization with generous contributions. This group of community and business leaders is responsible for financial oversight, goal setting, policy development, and fundraising.
President: pam estvold
Vice president: Colleen Craig
Secretary: mary kiser
Treasurer: gina walsh
Diane Bowlin
Christine Cleland-McGrath
Hon. Susan Cook (ret.)
Teresa De La Rosa
Chief Dave Floyd
Matt Gill
Molly Henry, J.D.
Mark Lione
Larry Nacht, M.D.
Reilly Wynn
Kris Yuan
Leona Bratz, Ex-Officio
Shay Schual Burke, M.D.,
Vicki Stasch, Ex-Officio
Susan Guterbock, Ex-Officio
Dustin Johnson, CFRE, Executive Director
Beatriz De La Rosa Perez
Program Director
Heather Geer
Development Director
emeritus board of directors:
Vicki Stasch (Chair)
Bonnie Bowers
Diane Dempsey Marr
Col. Eric Johnson (ret.)
Warren Tessler
Ann Meyers, Ph.D.
Nels Strandberg
Maggie Thompson
Tim Schofield
Martha Clure
We are most grateful to our volunteer directors for their work in leading, strengthening, and supporting AFC‘s services for vulnerable women, children, and families in need.