
When you meet Zatasha, you can tell this mother of six is determined and resourceful. Those qualities were key ingredients for a successful move across the country for her entire family, in spite of the fact that she did not know exactly where they would live and how they would create the fresh start she had in mind.
Fleeing a domestic violence situation in an eastern state, Zatasha brought her children, an online job in the insurance industry, and a few belongings to northwest Washington. A search for services for single moms brought her to the Anacortes Family Center. Nina Lundsten was the first person Zatasha met with. Nina provided hope and a motel voucher to house the family temporarily. Two weeks later, Zatasha and the children moved into an apartment at AFC's Emergency Shelter.
The Leap of Faith Pays Off
Soon, Zatasha had a job with a local insurance company and a second job at a grocery store. Housing for seven people was a little more challenging. Rachel Davis, Zatasha's case worker at AFC, helped her get a voucher to help with rent for a good sized house. After nearly two months in the Emergency Shelter, the family moved into a home in Mount Vernon. "It's near the kids' school, she says, "And just down the street from work."
Remembering the decision to leave her old life behind, Zatasha says, "I wanted to heal, I wanted my children to heal." The seven new residents of Skagit County have that opportunity now.